Effective Tips on Steam Ironing Your Clothes

4 min readAug 16, 2021

Your first impression matters a lot. Whether it’s a business meeting or just a regular day out, you should never go out with crushed and wrinkled clothes on. This does not give a positive impression about you no matter how knowledgeable you are. It depends on how well you can present yourself.
For this, you can get it ironed by the professionals who offer ironing services. But in case if you need to steam iron your garments or other clothes at home only then you should keep certain things in mind. Here are some effective tips for steam ironing your clothes at home.

Some effective steam ironing tips :

1. Washing

When we think of steam ironing, we consider ironing as the first step and we totally forget the initial washing phase. For perfect steam ironing, it’s good, to begin with, the correct treatment of the garments in the washing machine: using the right wash for different types of garments and avoiding too high a spin will help you not to mistreat the fibers and will preserve them for a longer run.


Also, remember to hang them as soon as it’s done so that they don’t leave marks on the clothes.

3. Iron them when they are still a bit damp

Although it may seem controversial, it’s a good tip for steam ironing as the moisture in the damp clothes makes the ironing process easier and allows the iron plates to slide more easily on the fibers of the fabrics, reducing time and giving better results.

4. Prepare the iron

Before starting to iron your garments, fill the boiler with tap water (or as indicated by the manufacturer).

Wait till the iron reaches the correct temperature as mentioned in the care label and after that only you should start ironing. Also, make sure there is no existing stain on the clothes as it might stick to the cloth fiber after coming in contact with the steam.

women ironing clothes

5. Sort them and adjust the temperature

The next thing which you have to do is to segregate your clothes, and you can do it by checking their quality of material/fabric or reading the care label. You will get to know which fabric needs the ironing at what temperature. You should adjust the heat of your iron according to the material of the fabric. This is really very important. If you do not pay attention to this, there might be a chance that you end up burning some of your delicate and expensive clothes which you obviously don’t want.

6. Use a sleeve board for ironing the shirts.

Ironing shirts can be a very difficult task. There are difficult areas like the button parts, cuffs and collars. While using this sleeve board you will get a fast and better result in a short span of time.

8. Iron your garments in up and down motion.

You must move the iron in a vertical motion (up and down direction) because of that way the fabrics do not get stretched. If you iron your clothes in a circular motion, then there are chances of fabric distortion by stretching.

iron on ironing board

9. Choose the right ironing board

Together with the iron, the ironing board is one of the most important elements for perfect ironing results.

We suggest that you select a board that is wide enough, plain without any bumps or nails over it as it might damage your clothes, easy to open and close, adjustable in height so that you can adjust accordingly and very stable.

10. Take extra care while ironing delicate items

When you have to iron a delicate garment, then you should not use the iron directly on your clothes. You should always use a pressing cloth for your expensive and delicate garments so that the garments’ material does not come into direct contact with the heat of a hot iron. If you do not have an actual pressing cloth at your home, then you can also use a cotton handkerchief, a thin towel or even paper. Make sure that you use white fabric as your pressing cloth so that there is a chance of getting a stain on the garments because of color bleeding.

11. Hang Them On Hangers

When you iron your dress or shirts, you should most preferably hang them so that they can remain in that shape until you wear them, otherwise, if you need to travel, you can fold them properly.

12. Clean and maintain your iron regularly

Finally, to get amazing results and to steam iron correctly, don’t neglect the cleaning and maintenance of the iron. Always clean the soleplate and the boiler to prevent any limescale formation.




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